1. Check the weight of the quilt does not exceed the carrying capacity of the adhesive system you choose to use.
2. Clean mounting surface of dust dirt and oil.
3. Cut the GluePirate strip to the desired length.
4. Sew the GluePirate strip to the quilt. Pins can be used for temporary hanging but can leave rust marks when used for prolonged hanging.
5. Separate Command strips and click two pieces together. Remove one liner to arrange placement on the face surface of GluePirate.
6. Place adhesive strips evenly. Place a strip close to each end to prevent the ends drooping.
7. Place adhesive strips either; evenly centred or wholly to either side of the GluePirate fold line. Firmly press all 3 areas of each strip for 30 seconds each.
8. Adhesive strength increases with time. Waiting one hour to mount quilt is recommended.
9. Remove remaining liners and press adhesive surface onto the desired mounting surface.
10. Original placement should be as close to the desired positioning as possible but if not level, reposition.
11. To reposition peel the surfaces apart. Do not pull straight off the wall. Reposition your quilt and re-apply pressure to engage the Command hooks.
12. Job done, smiles all round.